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How to Address a Low GPA When Applying for an MBA

October 26, 2023 :: Admissionado Team

Is a high GPA always a victory, or should you give up when your GPA is low? The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a significant factor in your academic journey, influencing college admissions and job opportunities. However, a low GPA doesn’t mean the end of your dreams, especially if you’re aiming for an MBA. Before you throw in the towel, let’s explore what a GPA is, why it matters, and how you can overcome a low GPA to achieve your goals.

What is a GPA?

Grade Point Average is the average of all your earned grades in school. To calculate your GPA, all your grades are added up and divided by the number of grades. The result is your GPA. GPAs are essential because they provide colleges and employers with a quick way to assess your academic performance. A high GPA usually indicates that you did well in school.

Why Is GPA So Important?

A GPA is an important indicator of a student’s academic performance and potential for success. A high GPA typically indicates mastery of course content and concepts and the skills necessary to study effectively and complete assignments on time. Additionally, a high GPA can be important when applying to prestigious graduate or professional programs, such as an MBA program. A low GPA can make it challenging to secure admission into these competitive programs, but it’s important not to give up or despair if your GPA isn’t where you’d like it to be. Follow some tips to overcome your low GPA.

What Constitues a Low GPA?

First, check if you are really a low GPA holder and if MBA programs accept low GPAs. You will do ok as long as your score is at a 3.0 or so and above. For instance, if you think about Harvard 2+2 program, where GPA minimums are above 3.75, you should consider that this prestigious university does not only focus on your GPA or GMAT. Personal data plus essays can affect the admissions committee’s decision. MBA with a 3.0 GPA is not such a hard thing to achieve, even in top MBA programs in Europe and top US MBA programs. If your GPA is below 3,0 you will consider it a low score. And here comes another doubt.

How to Overcome Low GPA?

Now, if you are below that number, there are three main ways to address the issue:

1. GMAT score. One of the most effective ways to counterbalance a low GPA is by achieving a high GMAT score. A stellar GMAT score can showcase your intellectual abilities and readiness for rigorous MBA coursework. If your initial GMAT score isn’t satisfactory, you can retake the GMAT every 16 calendar days to improve your results.

2. Extra coursework. Some schools (the most popular is the University of California by far) offer courses. You can take them online, and you WILL HAVE TO get an A to overcome your low GPA. But if you can do that, you will be in great shape. “See that? Sure I was irresponsible when I was 18, but I’ve since retaken some very tough courses, and I nailed them. I’m ready to nail courses at your MBA program also…”

3. Work Experience. If you can show that you have very quantitative experience – for example, having received bad grades in quantitative courses – an argument can be made here. Just show them what you’re doing now…and how you’re doing it well. The same, by the way, is valid with softer skills. “Gosh, I did badly in my English classes, but I write every day at work, and I am published to 200 financial houses daily. And you deign to question my verbal skills….” 

4. An Effective Optional Essay. And finally, there is the art of EXPLAINING yourself. We will need an Optional Essay if our GPA is below a certain threshold. This Optional Essay is, of course, an art form, and we have discussed it elsewhere. But if you can strike the right balance between confidence, honesty, and PROOF, you can overcome your low GPA without a problem.

List of 25 MBA Programs that Accept Low GPA’s

Many universities accept students with lower GPAs, focusing on a holistic view of applicants. While a GPA below 3.0 might be considered low, schools often value other aspects like work experience, leadership skills, and personal statements. Here are some MBA programs that accept lower GPAs:

  1. University of South Carolina-Aiken
  2. Wright State University-Main Campus
  3. University of Southern Indiana
  4. Marshall University
  5. Northern Kentucky University
  6. Longwood University
  7. Louisiana State University-Shreveport
  8. East Tennessee State University
  9. Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
  10. Emporia State University
  11. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
  12. Sam Houston State University
  13. Morehead State University Morehead, KY
  14. Prairie View A & M University
  15. Rowan University
  16. Kent State University at Kent
  17. The University of Louisiana at Monroe
  18. McNeese State University
  19. University of Central Arkansas
  20. Jacksonville State University
  21. Wichita State University
  22. Western Kentucky University
  23. The University of Nebraska at Kearney
  24. University of Nevada-Reno
  25. Saint Cloud State University


Applying for an MBA with a low GPA might seem daunting, but it’s far from impossible. By excelling in your GMAT, gaining relevant work experience, taking additional coursework, and writing a compelling optional essay, you can strengthen your application and highlight your potential. Remember, many successful professionals started with less-than-ideal academic records but demonstrated their capabilities in other ways. Don’t let a low GPA stop you from pursuing your MBA dreams. With dedication and strategic planning, you can achieve your goals and succeed in the competitive world of business education.