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Community Service in High School: Benefits and Ideas for Students

October 22, 2023 :: Admissionado

Community Service | Admissionado

Imagine an extracurricular activity that not only boosts your college application but also enriches your life and the lives of others. Community service in high school does exactly that. It helps students develop a broader perspective of the world, fosters personal growth, and demonstrates a commitment to making a positive impact. Let’s explore why community service is so beneficial and some great ways for high school students to get involved.

Why Community Service is Important in High School

Building Awareness and Empathy

Community service allows students to step out of their comfort zones and engage with different communities. This exposure is crucial in helping young people understand and appreciate the diverse world around them. As they work with people from various backgrounds, they develop empathy and a sense of social responsibility.

Developing Essential Skills

Volunteering teaches students valuable skills that are beneficial in both academic and professional settings. From teamwork and leadership to time management and problem-solving, the skills gained through community service are varied and impactful. For instance, organizing a local food drive can enhance organizational and logistical skills, while tutoring younger students can improve communication and teaching abilities.

Enhancing College Applications

Admissions committees love to see community service on college applications. It shows that a student is well-rounded, socially conscious, and capable of contributing to the campus community. According to many college advisors, students who engage in meaningful volunteer work are often viewed more favorably during the admissions process.

Building Relationships

Community service fosters connections with a wide range of people. These relationships can be incredibly motivational and inspiring. Working with others towards a common goal helps students realize the positive impact they can have on their community. As shared by Admissionado’s COO, Lauren Herskovic, her high school tutoring experience not only helped others but also opened her eyes to different life experiences and shaped her future interactions.

Community Service Ideas For High School Students

Tutoring and Education Support

Helping younger students with their homework or teaching them new skills can be incredibly rewarding. This could involve tutoring at a local school, helping out at a community center, or even starting a homework club.

Environmental Projects

Students can engage in activities such as organizing community clean-ups, planting trees, or starting recycling programs. These projects help students learn about environmental stewardship and the importance of sustainability.

Healthcare and Support Services

Volunteering at hospitals, nursing homes, or clinics can provide invaluable experiences. Students might assist with patient care, organize recreational activities for residents, or simply provide companionship to those in need.

Political and Social Advocacy

For those interested in politics and social issues, joining a youth advisory committee or participating in advocacy campaigns can be very fulfilling. This can help students develop their leadership skills and understand the importance of civic engagement.

Arts and Culture

Students with a passion for the arts can volunteer by teaching art or music classes, organizing performances at local nursing homes, or helping out with community theater productions. This allows them to share their talents while making a positive impact.

Final Thoughts

Community service in high school is more than just an extracurricular activity—it’s a transformative experience that benefits both students and their communities. By engaging in volunteer work, students gain a deeper understanding of the world, develop essential skills, and build meaningful relationships. These experiences not only enhance their college applications but also shape them into compassionate, responsible individuals. So, if you’re a high school student looking to make a difference, consider diving into community service. The impact you make today will benefit you and those around you for years to come.