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Michelle: My Date(s) With an MBA

September 02, 2013 :: Admissionado Team

Blogger MichelleMy world right now is all about dates – and I don’t mean the fun kind where that guy you’ve been checking out at the gym asks you out… (That’s just a joke; I don’t even go to the gym).

Anyway, I’m talking about application dates – deadlines, notifications, and deposit dates. I thought I had my application strategy all figured out. I knew which schools I wanted to apply to, and in which rounds. I was planning to apply to three schools in Round 1. One school would be a super reach, one would be a more likely fit, and the third would be a school where I have the strongest chance of admittance. I would hear back from all of those schools before Christmas. Then, I would, hopefully, have at least one acceptance under my belt, which would reduce my stress when submitting my Round 2 apps.

That’s when the trouble with the dates began. My “safety” school’s deposit for Round 1 applicants is due before I’ll receive notification from my Round 2 schools. So, in an ideal world where I get multiple acceptances, I could end up forfeiting a couple thousand dollars.

Alas, I am now in the position of reworking my strategy. My schools of interest haven’t changed, but I’m now focused on a different set of dates.

Every day, I’m discovering that there are so many other things involved in this whole b-school app process. I thought I had started planning early and was ahead of the game, yet suddenly application season is here.

Game on.

Michelle’s blogging every two weeks about her MBA Application Adventure. Follow her progress (as it changes daily) here.