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Essay Analysis: Harvard Business School 2018-19

June 06, 2018 :: Admissionado Team

This update is nothing new… and neither are Harvard Business School‘s 2018-19 essay prompts.

HBS was one of the first of the top schools to release their prompts this year, and the news is… pretty boring.

The adcom is sticking with the same prompt as last year, a prompt which has served HBS well for years, a prompt so broad that it isn’t really a prompt at all. Basically, Harvard has given you permission to write whatever you want.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should. A detailed recap of your resume, a 20-page treatise on the state of your industry, a short story about the death of your hamster—there are a lot of ways to go WRONG with an open-ended essay. Here are our suggestions on how to get it RIGHT:

Harvard Business School Essay Analysis 2018-19