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Your B-School Application in 12 Easy Steps

December 17, 2019 :: Admissionado Team

Whether you’re staring down the barrel of the Round Two deadline, revving your engines for Round Three, or you’re a super crazy efficient planner scouring the internet in preparation for applying next year, do yourself a favor and put your work down for a hot minute.

This is it, guys. The definitive, no holds barred, how-to-succeed manifesto for your MBA app. In it we’ll cover every step in the long and arduous path to getting accepted to a top-tier B-school. What took us so long to get this jewel of wisdom to you, you ask? Well, simply, the internet did not possess the technology to manifest our brilliance. And now, at the end of 2013, technology has finally caught up to us.

So here it is, the long awaited…

Admissionado Guide to Your B-School Application in 12 Easy Steps

Step 1: Brainstorm your essay topic

Step 2: Decide on your essay topic

Step 3: Write your essay

Step 4: Get feedback on your essay

Step 5: Revise your essay

Step 6: Revise your essay

Step 7: Revise your essay

Step 8: Ask for recommendations

Step 9: Thank your recommenders

Step 10: Pull a few late nights

Step 11: Send in your apps

Step 12: Get in to B-School

We hope this was helpful, or at least gave you a chuckle. For some actual, meaty MBA application advice, check out our MBA Essay Analyses and School Guides for Columbia, Stanford, Harvard, and more; The MBA Essay Writing Guide for essay writing tips; and feel free, as always, to reach out to us at or request a free consultation.