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Essay Analysis: Dartmouth College 2018-19

October 29, 2018 :: Admissionado Team

” ‘You can’t use up creativity,’ Maya Angelou mused. ‘The more you use, the more you have.’ Share a creative moment or impulse—in any form—that inspired creativity in your life.”

… We need to get a sense of how your creative bursts propel you forward, deeper and deeper into the abyss of unknown stuff. Generally speaking, creativity is linked with “comfort with unknown/unproven outcomes.” Creative people are by definition risk seekers. It’s baked in to the word itself … “create.” To create means NOT doing something that already exists. This is another good indicator that you’ve built a career out of taking risks, because of an inherent comfort with possibly failing. The trick is to convince us that the pursuit OF the creative option itself is the OXYGEN to that fire, that feeds itself.

Read more about our take on creativity in the 2018-19 Dartmouth University Essay Analysis.