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College News: Transfer Schools, Roommate Advice, and More

July 12, 2012 :: Admissionado Team

Some cool stuff coming across the newsfeed this week, and we want to make sure you keep up with it.  Interested in transferring schools?  Dealing with a new roommate?  Here are some great stories for you to check out:

AT&T Research Director on Encouraging Women to Major in Sciences

As a successful executive in the science world, Alicia Abella wants to make sure that more students, especially young women, seriously consider majoring in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).  The U.S. needs scientists, and young women can take advantage of AWESOME opportunities in these high-demand fields.

Getting Along With A Roommate

College dishes up a bunch of new challenges, and perhaps one of the most important is the roommate situation: learning to live with a friend, acquaintance, or a complete stranger.  Here’s some tips that’ll help you make the most of “communal living” and the best ways to start an important new relationship in the college experience.

Top Ten Transfer Schools

Whether you’re changing programs, cutting back on costs, or are just looking for a chance of scenery, thousands of undergrads every year transfer from one college to another.  Depending on your reasons, this can be a plus or a minus for you, so consider it a VERY big decision to make.  That said, here’s a list of the schools that get the most transfer students every year.

Berkeley Send Two Undergrads to London Olympics

Now THIS is what we call “extracurricular activities.”  Two BS undergrads from Berkeley are heading to London to compete as swimmers in the 2012 Olympic Games.   OK, so we’re not all Olympians, but the message is loud and clear: staying active in your interests outside of the classroom will make you attractive, well-rounded candidates for grad school or in the job market.