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October 5, 2024

How to Write the Duke Fuqua School Of Business MBA Required Short Answer Questio

What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan. (100 words)

100 words is very short and efficient. Duke is asking you to GET TO IT!

[1] What are your post-MBA career goals?

The key to any question like this is that it all has to make sense. And in order for it to make sense, there needs to be just the right amount of context for any proposed idea to ‘snap into place.’ You have a goal to do something? Cool. Why? What’s the need for it? What’s the problem being solved? What’s the opportunity? Why should anyone care? If you can set up the ‘problem’ or ‘opportunity’ VERY quickly, good, do it. Now, given that, state your post-MBA career goals, and show us how they are in service of that opening big picture problem. Each major component of your post-MBA career goals (i.e., your short-term goals) should seem utterly logical.

[2] Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan.

It all flows from that opening context. Establish what your first choice plan is (tightly) and quickly establish why that’s the best and most ideal version (Is it speed? Amplitude of success? Some other measure of greatness?). Now, show us the backup plan, and don’t just focus on the alternate-ness of the plan, but rather the suggestion that you’re prepared to succeed no matter what, and have a plan for ‘anything’ that comes your way. 

Not a lot of room to faff here. 100 words is tight. Be efficient and logical.

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October 4, 2024

The 'Team Fuqua' spirit and community is one of the things that sets the MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. Please share with us “25 Random Things” about you. The Admissions Committee wants to get to know YOU - beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. Share with us important life experiences, your hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are.

Your list will be limited to 2 pages (750 words maximum). Please present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be brief, while others may be longer.

Random, folks. The absolute worst way to play this is to “clearly not have fun with it.” If you take this too seriously, and look at it like an opportunity to impress them with more achievements, you’re going to bore them to tears, and potentially turn them off. To avoid having fun with it will almost *guarantee* that they conclude that “this is the type of person who is incapable of having fun.” That person is going to be a net negative on campus. We’re looking for “wins.” People who add to the community. Those people have personalities. Charm. Wit. Playfulness. Spirit. If this isn’t in you… you’d better get it fast.

Random doesn’t mean “by itself.” It has to tell us something about you. Example:

“A hummingbird flaps its wings about 70 times in a second.”

Great. But… this tells us what about you?

The random thing must give us a key to your coolness, your quirkiness, your… self. Somehow.

“When I was nine years old, in charge of “snacks” for a class camp out, I brought croissants. That was the day I realized I was not only born on the wrong continent, but in the wrong century.”

See the difference? This is revealing. Endearing. Self-deprecating. Tells us something about the author. 25 things like that.

Also, don’t be afraid to get creative. Make up your own conceits to GET you to a place of 25 random things:

“If I had to pick five celebrities to start a brand new civilization, they would be: Person (witty reason), Person 2 (witty reason), etc etc.” Don’t steal that, cuz it’ll look suspicious when several people submit the same thing! But you see the IDEA here, that you can literally invent ANY NUMBER of cool premises to help you reveal something about yourself and your attitudes.

October 3, 2024

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and to the development of leaders. Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, what are 3 ways you expect to contribute at Fuqua?

Your response will be limited to 1 page (500 words maximum).

Your ultimate goal here? To elicit a reader response that goes something like:

  • “Yep, this kid clearly bleeds Duke.”
  • “Yep, this kid is gonna light a fire here.”
  • “Yep.” {Translation: I believe the commitment behind their words here.}

The key to this question is… are you convincing? This is the part, folks, where what you say matters less than how you say it. It is very possible to say all the right things. To indicate that you are going to start Club X, and to engage in Duke Thing Y, and to contribute Awesome Thing Z thing to the Duke community. But how? By doing research, by organizing your arguments so that they are logically sound, seem well considered, etc.

But… if the Adcom thinks that you would probably pick, say, Darden or Ross or Yale SOM over Duke, none of those arguments will weigh much. What you need to achieve is the exact opposite. Let’s take those statements above and ADD another crucial one:

  • “If we admit this kid, there is an unbelievably good chance he’s gonna accept, regardless of where else he gets in.”

If you establish THIS as your burden, it will (it should, anyway) focus your approach to this response in an excellent way. Imagine, for example, that your reader does NOT believe that you are sincere in your stated desire to attend Duke. How would you use this essay prompt to convince him/her otherwise? Address the elements in this question, but in reality, prove to the reader that no matter how many acceptance letters you receive, Duke is the place you are going to engage with the most.

Now. How exactly do you do that? Well for starters it helps if that’s actually the case, ha! But let’s suppose your are business-school-agnostic at this stage, and simply want to attend whichever TOP MBA program accepts you. Allow yourself to APPEAR to be that first guy, the one who would rather attend Duke than Harvard. In order to achieve that, you need to demonstrate two things:

1) Demonstrate Deep Knowledge For What Makes Fuqua… Fuqua.

In other words, if the Duke experience is supposedly different from the Yale experience, or the Ross experience, how so? (And then map those differences to things you need – THROUGH your explanation for how you will engage in the Duke community.)

2) Make an Emotional Argument for why Duke Revs You Up.

Show how Duke fulfills something inside you that another school doesn’t. Or, why Duke’s version is somehow more appealing to you. This is art, not science. Do you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Husband? Wife? Child? Can you explain to someone why you like this person? Try it. Do it on paper. Maybe it starts with “quantifiable” traits. But hopefully, at some point, you reach a moment where you find yourself… unable to quantify the way a loved one makes you feel. Try – like hell – to explain IN WORDS what that thing is. What your emotion is, and how this person elicits that emotion. You won’t be able to, or you may discover a way to. It’s all gold. All of it. Take a look and see what that looks like, and then see if you can adapt it to the Duke community somehow.

When you put all of that stuff together, you should end up with some interesting stuff in your first draft. Here’s one version of an outline that may help kick things off:

  1. Set the frame. Remind us of your ultimate goal, what skills are required for one to succeed at that level, and what kinds of things you have yet to learn, areas you’re hoping to develop, ways in which you’re hoping to grow. Then explain how not just any business school the *the right* business school is exactly what you need to get all that. (75 words)
  2. Go deeper on what you’re looking to get out of a B-school, given that initial context. Paint a picture of the experience you’re hoping for––first as a participant IN activities that are available to you. But then, as a contributor TO. Make an argument for why this type of engagement will confer a benefit to you and everyone involved, and how the cumulative effect on that, makes for a richer MBA experience. Connect it to some bigger picture aim, where you're headed, and how this experience (as you imagine it) advances you toward that picture. (75 words)
  3. Now get really, really specific. Your task is to do two things at once here: (1) show us how much thought you’ve put into how you want to get the most out of business school, and in so doing (2) reveal just how much *research* you’ve done into what business school is like, and more specifically what Duke Fuqua is like, such that you’re able to go deeper than just a superficial wisp of an idea. (225-275 words)
  4. Lastly, see if you can somehow explain where this sense came from. Give us a taste of the research, the “due diligence” that led to your conclusions. This is also the section where you may wanna “fumble” around those inexplicable reasons that are emotional at their core. Get a little lost in your excitement for attending Duke and earning an MBA here, and show us just how ready you are to explode onto the scene. (75-100 words)

That gets you to a decent first draft.

October 1, 2024

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware (such as unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance), please explain them in an optional essay. Please do not upload additional essays or additional recommendations in this area of the application, and limit your response to one page.

Read our team’s take on how to tackle the MBA Optional Essay.

View more essay analyses.

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