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MBA News You Can Use: What’s Your MBA Worth?

November 05, 2011 :: Admissionado Team

You’re about to drop $200,000 on your MBA… in this economy. Is it worth it? How will you pay it off? Is there a light at the end of the b-school tunnel? A job offer? A business opportunity? Geez, can you even compete with all the other qualified applicants to get accepted?

Those seem to be the thoughts on everyone’s minds this week. And we’ve got all the facts and more in this week’s MBA round-up.

Gauging the Value of your MBA
Not all MBA programs are created equal. At least according to Jeff Muzzerall, Director of the Corporate Center at the Rotman School of Management. “Reputation plays a crucial role in where employers recruit.”

Strive to Lighten your MBA Debt Load, or Budget Well
Even though Obama is planning on passing a student loan reform bill designed to lower monthly loan payments by as much as 10%, it’s important to take your finances seriously now so that you can focus more on your work and less on your unbalanced checkbook.

Report Shows a Mere 80,000 Jobs Added in US in October
Good news for post-MBA job seekers. For the first time in the past 4 years, the job creation rate is actually higher than the job loss rate. Of course, this country still has a LOT to do before the economy will be fully back on track, but at this point, we’ll take any good news we can get.

9 Tips for Mastering Alumni Interviews
Some schools give the option for students to be interviewed by alumni, and some schools even require it. If played right, an alumni interview can give you a major advantage over other applicants. Keep it cool, be prepared, and keep these tips in mind to score the perfect interview.

Stop Worrying About What Other People Do!
Instead of focusing on the increase/decrease in application numbers, focus on making sure your application is top-notch. You do that and it won’t matter who else is applying.

Exeter MBA Trades Iraqi WMD’s for Cheesecake
If you think your MBA is going to sentence you to a life of cubicles, morning traffic, and uncomfortable suits, think again! After working on the development of humanitarian projects for an international nuclear weapons expert, this MBA graduate decided to live his dream and open a coffee shop in Africa. When you have an MBA, you can have your cake and eat it too…. literally.

Wharton Students to Occupy Wall Street: Get a Job!
Wharton graduates have one of the best post-graduation employment rates in the country, so it’s no surprise that they’re confused as to why OWS protestors aren’t in the same position. At one of last week’s protests, a group of Wharton students chanted “get a job!” at the crowd and are facing some major backlash for their actions. I guess it’s safe to say that Wharton is not part of the 99%?