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MBA News You Can Use: Playing The Admissions Waiting Game

October 29, 2011 :: Admissionado Team

The world of graduate schools, employment, and opportunity is constantly changing, which is why it’s even more important for applicants and students alike to be on top of all the latest news. We know you’re busy, so we’ve compiled a list of all the biggest and most relevant stories in the MBA world this week to keep you informed and a few steps ahead of the competition.

B-School Admissions Waiting Game
If all the success stories and acceptance letters on your favorite b-school discussion board have got you nervous- don’t be. Just because you haven’t received your letter yet doesn’t mean they forgot about you- admissions officers just like playing hard-to-get.

Harvard’s Unofficial Guide to the MBA Interview
You can read all the blogs and guides out there about how to ace an interview, but this second-year Harvard student’s run-down of the questions and what to expect might just be the difference between the interview that makes you sweat and the interview that gets you in.

8 Financial Aid Myths
With so much false information going around about the financial aid process and all the fear of the current national economic situation, it’s more important than ever for students to know the facts.

Internships are the Best Route to a Good Job for MBAs
A recent study by GMAC has found that students who complete an internship as part of their degree are 26% more likely to get hired after graduation. No matter what degree program you’re in, this proves that internships certainly do not hurt!

25 Twitter Chats Every Entrepreneur Should Know
Thanks to social media, professional networking has never been easier. Whether you’re a student OR a graduate, following, re-tweeting, or participating in any of these hashtag chats should land you (at least) a few new contacts.

For more news, be sure to follow us on Twitter: @admissionado.