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MBA Hiring on the Rise

June 28, 2012 :: Admissionado Team

Still not sure if an MBA is a good investment? Around here, we always think an MBA is worth it’s weight in tuition costs, but we get it – the economy’s seen better days and the job market isn’t what it used to be.

But it looks like it might be coming back, folks.

The GMAC is reporting that current MBA graduates are entering a better job market this year than did last year’s graduates. According to the Global Management Education Graduate Survey, based on responses from over 5,000 recently graduated or soon-to-graduate students from 136 MBA programs across the globe, the percentage of recent graduates receiving employment offers increased from 54% in 2011 to 62%. Another survey shows that 79% of corporate recruiters are expecting to hire new MBA graduates this year, an increase from 2011’s 72% hiring figure. When coupled with the 4% increase of overall employer hiring expectations this year, students emerging from MBA schools this year should have better chances of finding a job.

Especially if they want to find a job in Asia. Not much of a surprise here, but to keep up with their massive global expansion plans, Asia-Pacific companies are chomping at the bit to snatch up MBAs, and doing so at a higher rate than their US and European counterparts.

So, what does this mean for recent MBA graduates? It means you can breathe a sigh of relief. Sure, it’s still a competitive market, but as the global business environment improves, the job opportunities for MBAs should be plentiful.