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Get to Know Columbia’s New EMBA Program

May 03, 2012 :: Admissionado Team

Exciting news from CBS, folks. They’ve just announced brand new EMBA program they’re calling “EMBA-Americas.”

Per Columbia’s website:

Columbia EMBA-Americas is designed for highly accomplished and motivated professionals who are looking to enhance their career with a top executive MBA degree, but whose location or schedule precludes them from attending the traditional alternating weekend format of Columbias EMBA New York Program…

EMBA-Americas offers an opportunity for students to take advantage of Columbia Business School’s unparalleled access to the global business hub of New York City and connects them with industry practitioners, key decision makers, and business opportunities.

So, what’s different about this EMBA program? To start, the program is more accessible to students from across the US, Canada and Latin America. And they’ve done that by creating a curriculum that has classes about once a month in New York City (vs. alternating weekends) and the school will even provide accommodations for students for 3 of the 5 semesters. Not too shabby, eh?  There will also be weeklong meetings in both California and Latin America, providing students with both the New York City experience Columbia is famous for in addition to a little…well, change of scenery.

Sounds like a pretty sound opportunity to us: access to the top-notch curriculum, network and global MBA brand that CBS offers, all delivered in a more convenient and accessible schedule.

Bravo, Columbia.

Very exciting stuff. Especially for all of you who will now be able to take advantage of everything CBS has to offer.

For more information, check out our CBS School Guide.