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News Flash: The 25 Schools With the Highest SAT Scores

April 03, 2013 :: Admissionado Team

We LOVE lists (we’re kind of huge nerds that way, but whatever, we own it.) Business Insider just released this nifty list of the 25 Schools With the Highest SAT Scores.

Here are the highlights:

Caltech is at the top of the list with an average score of 2300, largely due to the super high average math score of 785.
Tied for 2nd place with an average of 2255 are Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.
UChicago was next at 2225; Washington University at 2235; and MIT at 2220.
Columbia, Stanford, and Harvey Mudd tied for 8th place at 2215.

Check out the full list for the rest of ’em.

But don’t be too dazzled or daunted by these numbers. SAT scores do NOT define your college application. They are just one component of a much more interesting and complex story of YOU that comes alive through your extracurriculars, your grades, your classes, and most importantly your essays. Don’t get us wrong. A great score can only help your application, but getting a high score won’t guarantee admission to any of these colleges, or any other college, for that matter. The most important thing you can do for your application? Make sure WHO YOU ARE shines through. And who you are is so much more than a four digit number…

By Emily Herzlin, Admissionado Senior Editor

(Image from Cultofmac.com.)