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Episode 17 – College Social Life

December 09, 2013 :: Admissionado Team

Episode 17 – College Social Life

Some people think that college social life is just one big Party in the USA (we blame Miley for that). In fact, it’s more about a wonderful sense of community, a vast array of extracurricular activities, and building relationships that will last a lifetime. Okay, there’s also partying. Join Cleo and Stephen as they take you through college life outside the classroom, doling out potent advice that can best be described as “a stiff mystery cocktail served in a Red Solo Cup.”

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The League of Extraordinary Applicants Overview

In today’s ridiculously competitive landscape, college-bound hopefuls are endlessly seeking sage guidance with their applications. “Where do I apply?” “How can I write a memorable essay?” “Who can I turn to for advice?!?!” Turn up your speakers, and tune in to the wise words of Cleo and Stephen, our resident admissions experts. Their shared knowledge and experience will guide you through the process from start to finish, helping transform your applications from ordinary to extraordinary.

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