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  • News Flash: Some Colleges Are Still Accepting Applicants for Fall 2013 (AKA All Hope Is Not Lost)
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News Flash: Some Colleges Are Still Accepting Applicants for Fall 2013 (AKA All Hope Is Not Lost)

May 06, 2013 :: Admissionado Team

Are you still waiting on college admissions decisions? Did your top choices fall through? Are all your friends lounging around now that they’ve gotten their fall plans ironed out, meanwhile you’re still biting your fingernails? Or are you not so happy with your current college and missed the transfer application deadlines?

Don’t lose hope! Some US colleges are STILL accepting applicants for Fall 2013.

“But Admissionado!” you say, holding back tears of desperation, “Isn’t it really late in the game?” Well, yes, it is. But you can put down those tissues, because according to the Washington Post, over 200 universities are still accepting students for the fall 2013 semester—that includes for both freshmen and transfers.

Here are some of the colleges on the list with open spaces:

  • University of Maryland
  • University of Florida
  • University of Arizona
  • University of Michigan at Dearborn
  • St. Mary’s College of Maryland
  • Indiana University
  • Notre Dame of Maryland University
  • Trinity Washington University in D.C.
  • Southern Methodist University in Texas

…and a whole bunch more. There are some really fantastic universities on the list. 28 percent of those schools are public and 72 percent are private.

And to add sweetness to an already sweet deal, many of these colleges are still offering housing and financial aid packages for fall admission. Check out the deets from the Space Availability Survey for more info, then contact the schools you want to target to express your interest and make sure they still have spaces left.

So what are you waiting for? Get your applications together, revamp your essays, and you’ll be off to college just as the leaves start turning yellow.

By Emily Herzlin, Admissionado Senior Editor

(Image source here.)