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Axolotl: Getting My Extracurricular On

November 26, 2019 :: Admissionado Team

AxolotlOn the last episode of b-school app adventures:

  • Always Be Closing
  • Hitting home runs, taking charge, and being proactive (HTB?? doesn’t quite roll off the tongue like ABC)

Kyn’s words have been a welcome catalyst, and in the past week I’ve reached out to my various extracurricular organizations to generate ideas:

  • A fundraiser for a mentorship organization I work with
  • A mentorship program for the school I work with
  • Potential “volunteering” opportunities with early stage startups

[How’s that for motivation? I’m making moves and taking names… of extracurricular activities.]

Given these efforts are now in the pipeline, there’s an impending transition period from generally strengthening my application and candidacy to weaving the story. This pivot will likely happen over the next few weeks to months as I also lock down the more practical elements of my application, like who my recommenders will be.

So far it’s been an exciting journey and it’s becoming even more so as we hone in on a framework around which to build my b-school story. Looking forward to next time…

Follow Axoltol’s application journey (and those Kyn-inspired epiphanies) from start to acceptance riiight here