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College News: The Freshman Fifteen, Money in College, and More

September 06, 2012 :: Admissionado Team

Freshman year of college, for better or for worse, ends up being the year of excesses. Excessive drinking, excessive eating, excessive spending, excessive… well, everything. Knowing that ahead of time could make a HUGE difference with how you handle the entire college experience and beyond. Students aren’t the only ones facing consequences in the news this week, either. Looks like there could be some BIG changes coming to how your college presidents earn those paychecks…

Drinking, Poor Diet Lead to Weight Gain in College

In the US, we refer to this as the “Freshman Fifteen,” and it’s no surprise at all.

Student Loan Debt Rises as Other Loan Debt Falls

This makes your choice of major even more important, since it will HEAVILY influence your chances of getting a good job and paying off those debts later on.

Five Smart Money Moves to Start the Semester

No shopping sprees followed by keggers that go on the credit cards, people.

U. of Texas Adopts Performance-Based Pay System for College Presidents

Will it help students by making administration more accountable, or will it shift priorities to maximize statistics?