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Axolotl: I Can See The Finish Line!

September 28, 2013 :: Admissionado Team

AxolotlLast full week before apps come due! I’ve spent a good amount of time constructing detailed outlines and meeting with my recommenders to discuss my story and the perspective I’d like them to portray.

A good piece of advice I heard in that department is making sure every recommender stays faithful to who you are as an applicant while offering a different perspective on one facet of your application. For instance, if you say you want to get into investing, it might make sense to have one recommender talk about your strong conceptual grasp of business ideas and solid comprehension of what makes a good business, while another discusses your quant skills and modeling abilities.

Coordinating recommendations and fitting time into everyone’s busy schedules is not easy, but coming to them with ideas, anecdotes, and themes can help align them to your story and take the burden off.

Down in the final stretch I’m realizing I still have plenty of work on mundane things, most pressingly my résumé. Wish me luck on the final push!

Axolotl’s almost there! But before you catch the photo finish, catch up on his entire race here